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Chinese 2TC Song Boom


Greedy build to get a second town center then song dynasty by 9 minutes into the game.

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
Send all 6 starting vills to food (sheep under TC) 6 0 0 0
2 Vills to gold, second builds house 6 0 2 0
2 Vills to wood (build lumber camp) 6 2 2 0
2 Vills to food 8 2 2 0
2 vills to gold 8 2 4 0
Build IO to collect from lumber camp and mine 8 2 4 0
3:50 2 food vills to build Imperial Academy then back to food 8 2 4 0
Other food vills build mill on berries, IO supervises it 8 2 4 0
5 Vills to wood, gold vills move to wood once you have enough gold for wheelbarrow 8 11 0 0
Research wheelbarrow 8 11 0 0
Send IO to supervise lumber camp once wheelbarrow is finished 8 11 0 0
Build second IO. Collect taxes with it. 8 11 0 0
9 wood vills to stone once at 400 wood, supervise with wood IO 8 2 0 9
2 vills to food 10 2 0 9
Send all new vills to wood 10 7 0 9
Begin building military infrastructure as needed 10 7 0 9
6:40 Once at 300 stone, 9 stone build 2nd tc on food source 19 10 0 0
Send vills to wood from both TCs 19 15 0 0
8:30 Once IO has collected 200 gold, put down Barbican with 5-8 wood vills 19 20 0 0


I got this build order from watching a replay of a Chinese vs. Rus match-up. Leenock was facing heavy aggression and able to hold it with this build, but if you're not facing any aggression it is probably possible to get into Song dynasty quicker than 9 minutes. If you're facing heavy aggression, it might be best to delay the second TC and just get into Song dynasty when you can.

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Patch 12973 (Season One Update)

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Created At

April 17, 2022 18:28


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