Aussie_Drongo Chinese Fast Song * (0/6/0/0) 00:00 Send all 6 starting vills to straggler tree; queue IO, vils * (6/0/0/0) 00:24 Place Mill at TC supervised by new IO; rally to food * (8/0/0/0) 00:40 1 new vil to village then mill * (7/5/0/0) 02:20 5 food vils to straggler tree; then mining camp on gold * (8/5/0/0) 03:15 Food Vil to make IA * (8/5/0/0) 04:04 1 New Vil to lumber camp * (10/1/5/0) 04:20 Build BBQ at gold with 5 gold Vils then back to gold * (0/12/5/0) 04:30 All food vils to wood; supervise lumber camp; train 2nd IO * (4/12/5/0) 05:00 Age Up; build 2nd IO * (8/7/5/0) 05:10 Build Archery Range with 1 wood vil; reset eco; supervise mill * (8/7/5/0) 05:30 After 2nd IO collects gold, supervise Archery Range, 3rd IO Train Notes always dropping golf from mill by IO Rally to Food until Wood at X12 Food Vils (6 min) Link to the original Build Order: Created By: Aussie_Drongo Uploaded By: BigBenSan Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2025-02-15 06:35:06 +0000