Beastyqt's Ottomans Feudal Pressure - Season 3 * (0/0/0/5) 00:00 Send 5 vills to Stone for a single trip to gather 50 Stone for a MS. Rally TC to Sheep. * (1/0/0/5) 00:00 1 vill builds a House, then to Sheep * (1/5/0/0) 00:35 As soon as the Stone is dropped off, one of the sheep vills builds a Military School (then back to sheep) * (2/5/0/0) 00:35 The 5 Stone vills go to a straggler tree for 2 trips to gather a total of 100 Wood. * (10/0/0/0) 01:15 Rally Spearmen from Military School towards you opponents base and try to harass their Gold, but don't waste them as they are fragile. * (10/0/0/0) 01:20 After 2 trips. the 5 Wood vills go to Food, continue rally to Food until you have 10 * (10/0/0/0) 01:45 Rally TC to Gold until you have 3 on Gold. * (10/0/3/0) 02:40 Rally TC to Wood * (10/6/0/0) 03:15 When you have 200 Gold, send the Gold vills to Wood * (6/6/0/0) 03:20 Build Twin Minaret Medrese with 4 Food vills * (4/8/0/0) 03:25 Send 2 Food vills to wood so that only 4 remains on food * (4/8/0/0) 03:50 As soon as you have 50 Wood, build another house with a Wood vill * (4/8/0/3) 03:50 With 8 on Wood, rally TC to Stone until you have 3. You may not be able to afford a mining camp straight away, but you can afford it before the vill takes the trip back. Leave the 3 vills on Stone until you have 200 * (4/8/0/3) 04:30 Rally TC to Gold until you have 5 * (4/10/1/3) 04:55 Age up completes. 2 vills from building goes to Wood for a total of 10. The other 2 builds a Blacksmith and Archery Range next to the existing Military School, then to Wood. Place your 4 Food vills on the berries from your landmark * (4/10/1/3) 05:20 When you have 100 Stone build a 2nd Military School with any vill * (4/10/5/0) 05:30 Build House with Wood vill * (4/12/2/3) 05:45 Immediately start constant production of Archers when the Archery Range finishes * (4/12/4/3) 05:55 Toggle both Military Schools to produce Sipahi * (4/15/5/0) 06:10 After you gathered another 100 Stone, move the 3 Stone vills to Wood * (4/15/5/0) 06:25 Research Double Broadax from Lumber Camp (as soon as you can afford it) * (4/15/5/0) 06:25 When you can afford it, add a 2nd Archery Range (but do not stop Archer production from the 1st to afford the 2nd) * (4/15/5/0) 06:30 Spend 1st Vizier Point on a Mehter. Eventually, the 2nd Vizier Point will go to the extra Military School, and the 3rd for 25% faster Military School production * (4/15/5/0) 06:40 When you reach around 13-15 vills on Wood, rally TC to Food until you have around 12-13 on Food * (4/15/5/0) 06:40 Around this point add 3rd Archery Range when you can afford it * (5/15/5/0) 06:50 Build House with Gold vill * (6/15/5/0) 07:25 Research Wheelbarrow from Twin Minaret Medrese (as soon as you can afford it) * (6/15/5/0) 07:40 By now you should be constantly producing Archers from all 3 Archery Ranges. You can consider adding a Barracks if the opponent has Horsemen * (13/15/5/0) 09:30 Once you ahve 12-13 vills on Food, rally TC back to Wood. You will need a lot for Rams * (13/15/5/0) 09:30 From here you aim to mass army and add in Rams once you can afford it. Pressure your opponent but do not move under their TC too early without Rams * (14/16/5/0) 10:15 Add 3rd Military School and set to Sipahi * (14/20/1/0) 11:30 After you get essential upgrades you can move 4 Gold vills to Wood (or leave them to get remaining upgrades) * (13/26/1/0) 12:00 At 12 minutes you should be around 40 vills and 60 army Notes * If you are playing against a Civ with Early Knights, leave the Military Schools on Spearmen instead of Sipahi. You can also switch it to Spearmen if the opponent is massing Horsemen. * If you are playing against a Civ with Early Knights, you can add 1 or 2 Barracks. Remember to balance your economy a bit more towards Food rather than Wood in this case, as Spearmen cost more Food than Archers. * Order of upgrades: 1. Double Broadax, 2. Wheelbarrow, 3. +1 ranged attack, 4. +1 ranged defense, 5. Siege Engineering. * After these 5 you can get Forestry and Fertilization, afterwards you can consider putting some Gold vills on Wood or leave them on Gold and get remaining Blacksmith upgrades. * Think about the placement of your first Military School, as you will need to build the other production buildings in the same area due to the Blacksmith influence. Ideally you want plenty of space around it, but it's generally better to build it towards the back of your base, as it is more protected. * Do not cut unit production to afford Rams. Only make Rams once you can afford it while constantly producing unit. * The Mehter is crucial - try to protect it, and replace it if you lose it by switching one of your Military Schools to Mehters. * If you do damage but can't get the kill in Feudal, you can put 10 Wood vills on Gold and go for Castle and unit upgrades. Remember to consider adjusting your Military Schools when you go Castle Link to the original Build Order: Created By: Beastyqt Uploaded By: l0ngwind Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2024-09-07 13:27:14 +0000