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HRE 2 town center opener


BEASTYQT 3:30:30 time stamp in Vod for explanation



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 Send all 6 starting vills to sheep, prelate on sheep vils 6 0 0 0
00:10 drop off food with 3 vills, build house with 1, mining camp with 2 3 0 3 0
Scout for sheep 3 0 3 0
Place sheep on side of TC that Chapel is going down (priority in order of >wood, food, stone, gold) 3 0 3 0
Make sure placement has 4 tiles in between it and town center for farms. 0 0 0 0
1:40 rally Vils to food until 7 7 0 3 0
1:55 1 vil to woodline near chapel placement, make lumber camp 7 1 3 0
2:20 Build chapel from the 3 gold vils + 6 food vils 5 1 0 0
2 vils from production to wood line 4 3 0 0
3:30 3 prelate to chapel, 3 vils from chapel rally to wood line, 6 vils to stone, build mining camp 4 6 0 6
4:00 rally to 8 vils on wood 4 8 0 6
4:30 Rally to food once 8 wood 6 8 0 6
5:00 take stone vils to build tc once 350 stone, 400 wood 6 8 0 0
rally tc vils to gold until 8, then all food 8 8 8 0
build farms when extra wood with sheep vils near chapel 10 8 8 0
6:00 If scouting, build military building to counter enemy military building 10 8 8 0
6:30 build mill, get wheel barrow, get eco upgrades (double broadaxe, pickaxe) 12 8 8 0
7:25 produce units to counter enemy, 4-8 pending on aggression 16 8 8 0
could place 3 vils on stone for tower upgrades 16 8 8 3
8:50 Build regnitz with food vils 20 8 8 3
make 2-3 prelates, start going for relics 20 8 8 3
could place 2 more vils on wood if you need military builings 28 12 8 3
9:20 blacksmith 30 12 8 3
10:00 3 more military buildings to counter enemy units 32 14 8 3
13:00 if doing well, could go for swabia, or just continue producing units for map control, winning game. 35 15 8 3


3:30:30 time stamp in Vod for explanation Goals for imperial Eco 50-60 farms 35-40 vils on wood 15-20 vils on gold 10 vils on stone Section off map with stone walls, castles near important resources if against feudal aggression, can place 15-20 vils on wood then all food, with 8 gold and just mass produce military buildings/farms and spam units out

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Holy Roman Empire


Patch 24915 (Season 3 Update)

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Created At

November 18, 2022 00:15



Posted: March 11, 2023 20:16

This is marked as hybrid map build order. I don't think this is for hybrid maps...

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