English safe 2tc * (6/0/0/0) Send all 6 starting vills to sheep * (7/0/0/0) 1 vil to sheep * (7/0/3/0) rally 3 vil to gold, 1 first vil build house and mining camp * (7/1/3/0) rally vils to woodline * (6/3/0/0) Age up with 3 gold, 1 food vil * (6/4/0/0) build house with wood vil once needed * (6/6/0/0) If Rus or French, build barracks for spearman once 150 wood. Or if you just want to. * (10/8/0/0) 4:20 4 workers from Landmark to food * (10/8/0/0) make 2-4 spearman, 4-6 longbowman for map control(more spearman for Rus/French) * (4/10/0/6) 5:00 once you have desired units, move 6 food vils to stone, 1 build mining camp * (4/10/0/9) Rally Vils to stone until 350 stone * (6/10/0/9) 2 vils from production to food * (6/10/0/0) 6:40 place second TC with stone vils near food source/gold * (6/10/0/0) Choice: Either go castle, or continue to make units - see description Notes Choice A: Go Castle by rallying 1TC to gold; 1TC to food. Make sure to have enough units to defend; otherwise you will lose to early aggression. If you notice early aggression, build counter military building/units to theirs, and work on more units. Might want to rally TC on gold to wood to maintain production if you can't move to castle. Choice B: To stay feudal and put pressure on enemy - when second TC finishes, put 3 vills on gold for upgrades. Then rally Food with TCs until 20 vills, then 1 TC back to wood. Make mill with food vill, make a couple farms. Make blacksmith. Push out onto the map and gain map control- get eco upgrades if map control(wheelbarrow, broadaxe..etc), units upgrades if on more of a defensive(+1 arrow, +1arrow armor). Try to slowly transition food vills to farms while continually making units Link to the original Build Order: https://aoeivbuilds.com/build_orders/131 Created By: Beastyqt Uploaded By: Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2024-07-27 10:24:51 +0000