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BeastyQT's Delhi Early Sacreds


Season 4 Guide - Sacred Site rush/ Delhi Opener



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 Send 5 to straggler Tree only get 50w, 1 to Berries, First build mill & house 0 5 0 0
00:20 First trained villager builds a Mosque near Mill & Gold (prio Mill) 0 5 0 0
00:25 Wood Vills to Berries & research - Wheel Barrow 5 0 0 0
01:00 Rally to Gold + Build Mining Camp - Mosque research Production & Piety 6 0 1 0
01:30 Villager Check: 8 on Food , 3 on Gold in preperation for Age up 8 0 3 0
02:00 Rally Villagers to Straggler Tree (50w) - to build Lumber Camp > Research Forestry - then rally to wood line 8 1 3 0
02:40 Age up! with 3 Food vills and 1 from Gold - Dome or Tower depending on match up (expect horsemen? go tower) 5 3 2 0
03:40 Latest Villager builds a house 5 5 2 0
04:20 Age up Finished - Immediately start upgrades and make a scholar! (we will want 4) - Cancel Piety (dont worry it just pauses it) and get Sanctity 5 5 2 0
Research cont: Mining Camp: Specialised Picks - Mill: Horticulture >Survival Tech > Pro Scouts - LumberCamp: Broad Axe 5 5 2 0
04:30 Build Stable > scholar in stable > Make horseman > (or Barracks if you expect knights) 9 6 2 0
05:35 Build Blacksmith x 2 when wood is available > Send Scholar back to Mosque from stable 9 10 2 0
Blacksmith research order: 1st BS Steel Arrow > Bloomery 2nd BS: Iron undermesh > Fitted leatherwork (if you built barracks go ironmesh/Bloomery earlier) 9 10 2 0
06:35 Make archery Range 9 13 2 0
06:50 Send 3 Scholars each to a different sacred site > enemy will either deathball 1 site or spilt to all 3, you are forcing a fight here if they ignore expect fast castle 9 13 2 0
07:00 Scholar into Archery Range > Make archers 9 15 2 0
07:30 Wall up Sacred Sites > roam with army to pick off enemy units 9 15 2 0
09:00 Villager Check (Watch your gold jump with sacred sites!) 16 6 0 0
Now either your building an army Defending/fighting or if your enemy is silent then cut unit production move 7 villagers to new food and age up! 16 6 0 0
10:24 If you aged up pick Compound of the Defender with 12 villagers > move villagers to stone we want to make keeps asap at your sites >research Village Fortresses when you've aged 16 7 0 0
Now when you make castle age: pick a unit comp that you like to counter theirs /defend your sacred sites.. 16 6 0 0


This is not my build , I am just writing down what Beastyqt explains but it's a nice opener to capture Sacred sites early before age 3! Things to note: You need to adapt this build order depending on your match ups if you are expecting early knights then you need to change how you age up and what units you plan to produce first, generally we are priortising horsemen first for map control and harrasment. If players are rushing Fast Castle or not re-acting to your sacred site captures you need to shift your focus to aging up as well , dont get left behind! TLDR: If you plan to go Tower instead Age up with Tower (make sure you still get 3 on gold and a 2nd mosque when you get 100 wood) Your going spear men/Archers before horsemen If your expecting spearman rush then build archery range first and make 1 or 2 archers only! and use them to push back until you can get back to making knights. Please watch Beastyqt's video he explains this so much better and helps provide insight to different match ups and counters.

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Delhi Sultanate


Patch Season 4 Update

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Created At

March 06, 2023 07:58



Posted: April 02, 2023 01:03

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