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Toxby - Malians Farimba Poison Archer Mass


Fast castle with T2 arrow upgrade and poison arrow

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
5 vill chop 2 closest wood from TC and rally on food 0 5 0 0
1 vills goes build Pit mine instant, 6 houses around & then the mining camp 3 5 0 0
When the wood vills end the 2 TC closest tree they return to food & keep rallying to food 11 0 1 0
Next vills go build lamber camp and rally on wood 11 3 1 0
3:50 AGE UP - Mansa Quarry with 4 food vill 7 5 1 0
Next vills go build a mill under berries and stay on it (start wheelbarrow when possible) 7 5 1 0
Rally on food again 8 5 1 0
when Age ll complete send 1 of the 4 vills to gold the rest on food 8 5 1 0
Keep rallying to Food - 1 vills from food go build a forge and archery range when possible 18 5 2 0
Start upgrade steelarrow when possible 20 5 2 0
7:44 AGE UP - Farimba Garrison with 12 food vills then they go to gold 20 5 2 0
let 7 vills on food and the rest of the food vill go to gold now rally on wood 7 5 7 0
Start research for veteran archer and gold mine upgrade ands produce archer 6 5 20 0
As soon as possible build new Pitmine with gold vill and houses around 6 5 20 0
Keep producing archer constantly and research poison arrow 6 5 20 0
At 20 vill on gold rally on food until 12 then rally on wood for farm transition or Cow Boom 12 5 20 0


Try to put 30% of vill on food 20% of vill on wood and 50% on gold

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Patch Season 4 Update

Map Type




Build Type

Fast Castle

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Created At

March 16, 2023 16:40


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