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Fast 2TC Abbasid


Quick 2 TC into fuedal push

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
0:00 Send 2 Vills to build mill and 2 vills to berries 2 0 0 0
Send 1 Vill to build mining camp on gold 2 0 1 0
Send 1 Vill to build house then to berries 5 0 1 0
Vill to berries 6 0 1 0
2 Vills to gold mine 6 0 3 0
10th Vill builds HoW and then goes to straggler tree 6 1 3 0
Vill to berries 7 1 3 0
At 200 gold relocate to straggler tree 7 4 0 0
Vill to straggler tree 7 5 0 0
Vill to berries 8 5 0 0
Vill to stone 8 5 0 1
~2:45 Age Up with Economic Wing 8 5 0 1
After age up relocate 4 food vills to stone 4 5 0 5
Vill to stone 4 5 0 6
5 Vills to wood (First builds House) 4 10 0 6
At 350 Stone relocate to gold 4 10 6 0
~5:00 At 400 Wood start Second TC with 4 gold vills 4 10 2 0
Rally back to gold after TC is built 4 10 6 0
Buy FFS when 125 gold 4 10 6 0
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Abbasid Dynasty


Patch Season 4 Update

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Created At

March 18, 2023 00:05



Posted: March 20, 2023 18:51

You ignored fertile crescent

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