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Mongols Castle Rush


The Build is from Beastyqt. Thanks for sharing your content with us.



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 TC next to woodline and 1. gold 2. stone 3. berries 0 0 0 0
00:00 first 5 to wood, first 1 build ovo and than sheep 0 5 0 1
00:00 khan scout and ger go to gold or berries 1 5 0 0
00:21 next villagers go sheep until 10 1 5 0 0
00:42 After 50 wood go with 3 on gold and 2 on sheep and do wheelbarrow in ger 5 0 3 0
02:50 next villager go wood until 6 10 0 3 0
03:15 Age up with 3 of food (deerstones) 7 1 3 0
03:30 Send 3 from food to wood 4 6 3 0
03:50 next villager go food until 18 4 6 3 0
all time every time you have 100 wood build something with 1 from wood: a tower a ger or stables. Whatever you need but build something or barracks or stables just something. And Something shuold help you 16 5 3 0
all time take the food you have around your side of the map 18 5 3 0
07:50 next villager on gold until 6 (u can take 2 of food as well) 16 5 6 0
08:10 Age up with 8 of food (steppe redoubt) 9 5 6 0
08:20 next villager go food gold and wood matters what you build and what you need 9 5 6 0
all time now you have to take relics 9 5 6 0
rest of time next villager go on wood until 15 and you can build double TC 15 15 8 0
rest of the time go lancers or barracks or what you need this is very individual 9 6 8 0
information the villager should stay like this: 15 6 8 0
information dont forget to build new ovo 15 7 8 0
information build towers to take the vision of the map. And the speed bonus 9 6 8 0
information the moment you should stop villager is 100+ good is 115-120 15 7 8 0
information I hope you reach the times i said there thats the perfect times or close to perfect ;) 9 6 8 0


The build order is just a basic build order. You have to react to that what your opponent is doing. If he push you you have to build counter units in feudal. If not you can try to rush castle. But if he is like chinese dont give him to much time to let him grow his eco. If u want to know more i would say watch the video from beastyqt. So Good Luck and have fun and climb the latter :D Other informations: 1 Scout against: English, Abbasit, Delhi 2 Scout against: French, Rus, HRE If they dont need sheeps go 1 scout if your enemy need sheep go 2

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Patch 17718 (Season Two Update)

Map Type




Build Type

Fast Castle

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Created At

April 02, 2023 12:49


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