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Feudal Sipahi Mass


I've seen other versions of this, but the uploader missed quite a few points. Harass with early spearmen then into sipahi mass for a feudal timing push



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 Queue 4 vils 0 0 0 0
00:00 5 vils to stone (don't build camp), 1 to food 1 0 0 5
00:00 Scout around base for 5 starting sheep 1 0 0 5
00:22 1 vil build house then food 2 0 0 5
00:35 When vils come back from stone, send to wood 2 5 0 0
00:35 1 vil build military school (spears), then food 3 5 0 0
Continue rallying to food 5 5 0 0
0:50 Send spears as aggro as they are produced 5 5 0 0
1:40 At 150 wood, move wood vils to food 10 0 0 0
1:40 Rally to gold (want 4) 10 0 2 0
2:10 Sheep should be back, go scout enemy (look for gold or stone) 10 0 3 0
3:00 Rally to wood 10 1 4 0
3:30 5 food vils to make Twin Minaret 5 2 4 0
3:42 1 food vil to house, then food again 5 3 4 0
4:45 At 250 gold move gold vils to stone (want 100) 5 6 0 4
4:50 5 food vils to wood 0 11 0 4
4:55 5 age up vils to berries on landmark 5 11 0 4
5:00 Wheelbarrow and double broadaxe 5 12 0 4
5:20 1 vil archery range 5 13 0 4
5:20 Constantly pump military (prioritize vils though) 8 14 0 1
5:45 At 100 stone, move 3 stone vils to wood 5 17 0 1
5:45 2 wood vils build military school 5 17 0 4
5:45 Rally to food 5 17 0 1
5:55 Military buildings to sipahi 6 17 0 1
6:05 wood vil Blacksmith 7 17 0 1
6:30 wood vil to Archery 8 17 0 1
7:00 When 8 food, rally to gold 8 17 1 1
7:20 wood vil to Archery 8 17 2 1
7:50 Keep adding houses 10 17 3 1
8:00 Move 3 wood vils to gold 11 14 6 1
9:00 Get +1 and siege engineering 13 14 6 1
10:20 Build 2-4 rams with army
10:30 Look to pick up rest of upgrades


- This strategy can be used against any civ on any map. Why we do some things - Early 150 wood to make school, lumber camp and mining camp - Wheelbarrow and double broadaxe to push out military units Keep in mind - Exhaust berries as quickly as possible when they appear - Balance macro as needed as game progresses past 8 minute mark (won't specify in later bits of build order) - Mass horseman will beat this. So scout well and switch to or weave in spearmen if needed - Try not to lose your early spearmen Power timings - Mid feudal - Early castle

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Patch Season 4 Update

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Timing Attack

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Created At

April 12, 2023 01:46



Posted: May 08, 2023 16:32

Trying out … I need some sort of tactic just dropped from Plat1/2 to gold2 z….


Posted: June 27, 2023 13:38

Why is it called sipahi mass? It's only building archery in the list...

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