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Malian Cav Build S5


Micro- and macro-heavy Malian build order that uses Warrior Scouts and Sofas

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00:00 Send all 5 starting vills to wood (2 trees) and 1 to build the pit mine. Rally to sheep (up to 12) 0 5 0 0
00:01:00 Build with Pit Mine villager 7 houses and 1 Gold Mine (up to time 2:20) 7 2 0 0
00:01:30 Rally 3 wood villagers (as soon as the 2nd tree has 100 wood) to food 7 2 1 0
00:03:30 Age up with 9 Food vills (Mansa Quarry). Rally 1 vill from TC to wood then again to food 3 2 1 0
00:03:45 Build a Lumber Camp with the Wood vill from the TC. Rally TC vills to food 3 3 1 0
00:04:15 Age up --> all age up vills to Wood 5 12 1 0
00:04:40 Build stable with 1 wood vill and send another wood vill to build 2nd pit mine 6 10 1 0
00:05:00 Build Mill near deer with food vills. Research survival techniques in mill and warrior scout in stable 7 11 1 0
00:05:10 Build 2nd pit mine with houses 8 11 1 0
00:05:45 research Wheelbarrow in Mill. Create 2 Warrior Scouts until 00:07:00. They have to be active on the map. 9 11 1 0
00:06:10 Build 2nd Mill with food vill. Build more houses around pit mine. 10 11 1 0
00:06:30 Build 1 cattle Ranch with wood vill and create 3 cows. Send them to the cattle range in the other mill then build a 3rd mill 13 10 1 0
00:07:00 Create one Sofa, build 2 Cattle Ranges and as many cows as possible 13 11 1 0
00:07:30 Rally TC to gold. Produce cows (to cattle ranges) 13 7 1 0
00:08:00 Rally 5 wood vills to gold. Create 2 cattle ranges (5 in total atm), cows to cattle ranges, take 8 vills from food to gold 13 7 8 0
00:08:40 Research Horticulture in 3rd mill, create cows in the others 5 7 22 0
00:08:50 Create 2 cattle range (7 in total). You should have 12 cows now and more in process 5 7 23 0
00:09:00 Rally the rest of the food vills to gold. You should have 15 cows now 0 7 25 0
00:09:44 Age up with with 17 gold workers. Choose the Cow Landmark (Grand Fulani Corral). You should have 17 cows. Rally TC to Wood. 0 7 25 0
00:10:15 Research Double Broadax in the Lumber Camp 0 14 22 0
00:10:40 Research Sofa Veteran Upgrade in Stable 0 14 22 0
00:10:20 Age up finished. 20 cows. Build immediately a Mosque with 10 age up workers (back to gold). 7 age up workers to wood. Create 1-2 Imams. 0 14 22 0
00:10:50 Build another Mosque (with 4 wood vills) and create Imams to get the relics 0 15 22 0
00:11:00 Research Fertilization in Mill and Lumber Preservation in Lumber Camp 0 15 22 0
00:11:30 Send Wood vill to build 3rd Pit Mine but build the houses around it first 0 16 22 0
00:11:45 Create 2nd stable with 2 wood vills. start producing 3 Sofas in the first stable. 0 16 22 0
00:11:50 Research Lumber Preservation in Lumber Camp 0 17 22 0
00:12:30 Build 3rd stable with 4 wood vills. Research Imported Armor in 2nd stable as soon as it is built 0 19 22 0
00:12:50 Build Blacksmith with 1 wood vill. Create Sofas from all of your stables up to 9 Sofas. 0 19 22 0
00:13:00 Go for the Sacred Sites after getting the relics 0 20 22 0
00:13:30 (optional/ situational: Research fitted Leatherwork then Bloomery) 0 23 22 0
00:13:45 Wall next Gold Mine with 13 wood vills and mine gold . Build 3 new stalbes with gold vills as soon as your first gold deposit is depleted and then rally the workers to food (berries) 22 10 12 0
00:14.30 Send 6 wood vills to gold. Rerally from now on vills from wood to gold 22 13 17 0
00:14.20 Create Sofas (up to 15) 22 12 9 0
00:14.45 Age up with 22 food vills (Griot Bara Landmark). Produce more Sofas 0 7 19 0
00:15:40 Aged up. Upgrade to Elite Sofas. Create more Sofas (up to 20). Use them to defend Sacred Sites and/ or to kill the opponents army 22 4 19 0
00:16:00 Research Iron Undermash in the Blacksmith. Continue producing Sofas, push the enemy with Elite Sofas, in his base activate the Siege Festival from the Griot Bara Landmark and win. 22 11 19 0


Plan the cattle range locations carefully (in circles/ not in direction to your enemy) as you will build the Cow Landmark (Grand Fulani Corral) in Age III.

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Patch 7.0.5861 (Season 5 Update)

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Created At

June 16, 2023 20:24


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