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Ottoman Vizier Math


For personal use only, make your own build.

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
0:00 Send 6 starting vills to build Barracks 0 0 0 0
0:00 Add scout and villager to TC queue, rally to food. 0 0 0 0
0:01 Shift queue 1 starting vills to build a House, then to wood. 0 0 0 0
0:01 Shift queue 5 starting vills to sheep. (preferably split bonk to 3 sheep) 5 1 0 0
0:20 Add spearman to queue rally towards opponent 5 1 0 0
0:30 Send 2nd Scout to find opponent's gold 6 1 0 0
0:55 Add spearman to queue 7 1 0 0
1:35 Add spearman to queue 8 1 0 0
2:00 Add spearman to queue, move 4 vills from food to wood. 10 1 0 0
2:30 After stragler is finished build house, then lumber camp 7 5 0 0
2:40 Add spearman to queue 8 5 0 0
3:30 Move 5 food vills to build mining camp. 4 5 5 0
5:00 Move 5 Gold, 5 Food vills to build house, mining camp on stone. 7 5 2 10
5:31 Move 5 food vills to wood. Rally TC to wood. 4 5 0 0
6:30 Move age up villagers to Mining Camp on Stone. Take Anatolian Hills. 7 5 0 10
6:30 Spend Vizier Point on Anatolian Hills. 7 5 0 10
6:35 Move 2 food vills to build Archery Range, then gather gold 7 5 0 10
6:40 5 Wood vills build 2 Military Camps. 7 5 0 10
7:30 Build 2nd TC 7 5 0 10


Precise build to get Anatolian Hills before mining any of the stone for Military Academies or 2nd TC. At 2 min you should have 5 villagers chopping a straggler with 100 wood remaining.

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Patch 7.0.5861 (Season 5 Update)

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Timing Attack

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Created At

July 06, 2023 22:57



Posted: November 29, 2023 20:52

For personal use only in a public webpage, what a bright dude polluting seasons in every civ

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