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11 min 11 mang 2 TC team game castle build - Secret Formula - V.2


Description - This is a well rounded team game Mongol build that aims to have 11 Mangudai out by 10 - 11 minutes whilst still getting a 11.30 castle age and a second tc by around 13.30. The times are a rough guide and its actually quicker then what is written down most the time. The idea is to get enough Mangudai together to kill vills/spears quickly before raiding. (You want to have enough that losing 1 or 2 to a TC/Archers wont slow down the speed you can make kills) - Whilst spawning more towards wherever your raiding and adding them to your Mangudai ball. By the time you are raiding and hopefully getting villager kills your eco is now solid enough to build more production and constant units - I like to get out lots of stables and archery ranges. Get villagers with Mangudai and destroy houses/farms with keshik. - Taking any other fight I can win or help team out with. ** Things to Remember** - Never run out of sheep - make sure to bring back khan with sheep or have a fresh pasture. - Never run out of gold - Always make sure second gold node is safe before first is out. Also get trade up and running before the second node is out, or if its not in a safe place before the first is out. - Get wheelbarrow as soon as you can without slowing the first mangudai/rest of build down. - Remember all eco upgrades after you have placed the steppe down. - When eco boom kicks in send any struggling team mates rescources you can. - Remember a second oovoo as soon as first is out. - Remember additional torches and raid bounty upgrades from ovoo. - When you have raid bounty upgrades smash through farms for huge eco gain. - Remember monastry in castle if you can - get relics and sacreds if available. - Figure out where second TC is going minutes before you place it. - Once castle age with 2 tc then get up multiple markets - Late game - During long drawn out late game make sure your pastures and tc are towered with springalts and bombards. Also have siege workshops near by so you can create springs and mangos if you need them to defend. - Tower all along the trade route and a lot around markets with bombards and springs. - If this is done then put up bomb and spring towers around allys farms and other weak areas. - Make proxy bases around the map in different areas with siege workshops and either barracks or stables depending on where and who you are fighting, so whenever you have a bit of time or free pop slots you can put in raids out of no where and even if they are unsuccessful they make good distraction and enemy has to pull back to defend. - If they don't defend push in.. - Look out for team mates getting attacked if playing with randoms because they don't always communicate.

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
0.00-0.05 Send your TC to place between Gold and wood 0 0 0
0.05-0.11 Get your first 2-3 starting sheep with khan and send to TC 0 0 0
0.11-0.20 Send 4 starting villagers onto sheep, send 1 to gold and send 1 to build oovoo then onto gold. 4 0 2 0
0.20-0.21 Send starting ger onto oovoo 6 0 2 0
0.21-0.24 Produce vills constantly onto sheep 6 0 0 0
0.24 send your khan out for a scout and put on control group 2 6 0 0 0
Control group 1 your Tc 6 0 0 0
2.00 Bring back your khan and sheep before your starting ones run out (2 minutes is a good time) Then go and scout for some more 6 0 0 0
3.15 By this time you should have 12 on food 2 on gold, when next villager comes out place deer stones 12 0 2 0
3.25 Deer stones should now be placed - Set tc to spawn onto building it 12 0 2 0
4.10 By this time you should have 3 building deer stones - So now put your tc spawn onto wood. Also bring khan back with sheep asap. 12 0 2 0
Set the villagers building deer stones to go straight onto wood after 12 0 2 0
5.35 By 5.35 deer stones should be up 12 0 2 0
Whilst your waiting for deer stones to be done, research Forestry (Improved) from Ger on oovoo. 12 0 2 0
5.45 By 5.45 you should have 12 villagers on food, 8 on wood, 2 on gold 12 8 2 0
6.05 With your 24th villager build archery range on ovoo 12 8 2 0
6.10 Set tc to spawn onto gold 12 8 2 0
6.30 Set the villager that is building archery range to build a blacksmith straight after 12 8 2 0
6.45 Build double Mangudai out of Oovoo - You should be able to click the double mangudai button twice now. 12 8 2 0
7.10 By 7.10 you should have just completed blacksmith, have 12 vills on food, 8 on wood, 5 on gold. 12 8 5 0
7.10 Build a pasture with the villager that just finished blacksmith and 2 that are eating food. 12 8 5 0
7.16 Set TC to spawn onto wood then click to create another double mangudai 12 8 5 0
7.30 Research steeled arrow 12 8 5 0
7.57 Use a villager or 2 from food to create another pasture 12 8 5 0
8.05 put 34th villager onto gold then put tc spawn back onto wood 12 8 5 0
8.14 create a single mangudai before the last doubles have been created 12 8 5 0
8.24 Click to create iron undermesh in blacksmith 12 8 5 0
8.35 Set tc to spawn onto gold, then create another pasture using vill(s) from food 12 8 5 0
8.40 Click to create another single mangudai 12 8 5 0
8.45 build another pasture 12 8 5 0
8.52 build a ger on tree line (As it is starting to go back by now 12 8 5 0
9.10 Stack another double mangudai off of the archery range and set tc to spawn 1 villager onto oovoo 12 8 5 0
9.10 By now you should have 13 food 11 wood, 8 on gold, 12 8 5 0
9.25 use the next villager that comes out to build another archery range on the oovoo 12 8 5 0
9.30 stack 1 more mangudai on the first archery range and then set spawn point from tc onto wood 12 8 5 0
9.50 build 1 more pasture 12 8 5 0
10.40 Now you should be ready to place your castle age building, go for steppe redoubt using gold vills 13 15 0 0
10.40 by now you should have 11 mangudai and khan with iron undermesh and .... 13 15 0 0
10.55 build 1 more pasture 13 15 0 0
11.00 use your wood vills to build new ger on tree line then set tc to spawn onto food 13 15 0 0
11.35 By this time you should be raiding with 11 mangudai, have 15 villagers on food, 15 on wood 15 15 0 0
11.35 Set spawn onto wood 15 15 0 0
11.55 By this time castle age should be done and you should have 16 villagers on wood 15 on food, 8 from building steppe on gold. Your overall population should be 52 if you have managed to not lose any mangudai 15 15 8 0
12.05 Build a double mangudai from 1 archery range, and a single from another 15 15 8 0
12.15 Place stable on oovoo 15 15 8 0
12.40 By now you should have 15 villagers on food, 18 on wood, 8 on gold, and have enough wood to build a second tc, so place this somewhere suitable. You should also have 16 mangudai 15 18 8 0
12.50 Research wheelbarrow, upgrade your mangudai on 1 archery range and create a single mangudai on other 15 18 8 0
13.05 set your tc spawn on gold. Build a market somewhere suitable (This oovoo will of run out now) - also build first keshik 15 18 8 0
13.34 Second Tc should be up now. Build 1 more pasture. Set 1 tc to spawn on food, 1 to spawn on gold 15 18 8 0
14.00 By now you should have 17 mangudai, 1 keshik - now do all 3 eco upgrades, build first traders and keep prouducing units and production buildings 15 18 8 0
15.00 population should be 75 if no units have been lost 19 19 13 0


Situational adjustments such as making barracks/spears to cover wood/gold line if its likely French or anyone else will raid with knights will be top priority over trying to stick to this fully - But when you can get back on track with this build once smoke is cleared. The villager amounts on the right need a bit of an update - most are fine but haven't updated it every step of the way.

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Patch 7.0.5861 (Season 5 Update)

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Created At

July 10, 2023 16:17



Posted: September 10, 2023 21:30

Love the level of detail provided, will try!!

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