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Holy Roman Empire Fast Imperial


This Aoe4 build Order for HRE reaches Imperial Age in 11-12 Minuts



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 Send all 6 starting vills to sheep 6 0 0 0
00:00 Send 5 new Villagers to Gold 6 0 0 0
2:00 Send 2 new Villagers to Wood 6 0 5 0
2:40 Make Aachen with 2 from food and 2 from gold 6 2 5 0
2:40 Send 5 new Villagers to wood 4 2 3 0
3:30 At 50% Age up take one builder ande send him to make mill and food 4 7 3 0
4:24 All new Villagers to food from now on 4 10 3 0
4:30 Builders go to wood 4 10 3 0
4:30 Reaserch pro scouts 4 10 3 0
4:50 Build stabel with 4 from wood and then to food 11 6 3 0
5:10 Make 2 scouts 11 6 3 0
5:30 Make market with 3 from wood then to gold 11 3 3 0
5:50 Make 6 Horsemen 13 3 6 0
7:50 Use market for reesources needed to age up 19 3 6 0
8:00 Use 10 from food to build regnitz after this to food 9 3 6 0
8:20 Make 2 Prelats and send to reliquies 11 3 6 0
10:00 Villager count 23 3 6 0
11:00 Build swabia with 15-20 Villagers 7 3 6 0
11:30-12:00 Use Palace of swabia to build up a strong economy 9 19 6 0


Watch out for early rushes maybe you need to put a Tower down at your Gold in Feudel, or make more deffensive Horsmen or Knights.

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Holy Roman Empire


Patch 15965

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Created At

July 22, 2023 19:06


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