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Ottoman Fast Castle


Ottoman Fast Castle

Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
0 Rally to food 0 0 0 0
0 1 vill to straggler, 5 to stone. Both gather 50 (1 trip) and then send to food 0 0 0 0
0:40 2 vills build house + Military School (Rally onr to food and one to straggler) 5 1 0 0
1:13 Military School finishes. 1 vill to food, 1 vill to straggler 7 2 0 0
1:30 When 50 wood, build gold mining camp with straggler vills. Add 1 vill to food and 1 to gold 8 0 2 0
1:30 Rally to food until 8 vills, then rally to wood 8 0 2 0
2:55 Age up with 4 food vills on Twin Minaret 4 0 3 0
2:55 When 4 on food and 3 on gold, rally to wood, until 5, then back to food. 4 0 3 0
3:40 Build house + lumber camp with first wood vill 4 6 3 5
4:35 Age up complete. Queue Sipahi and build protection to defend harass until Castle. 1 food vill to build archery range.If no pressure, go 6 on gold 11 9 0 5
4:35 Go 6 on gold 11 9 0 5
4:55 Double Broadaxe (Harvest if long feudal) 10 9 0 6
4:55 Vizier point Field Work and gather relics with imams. 10 9 0 6
6:39 Add 1 stable + blacksmith and queue more archers and horses if needed 12 5 8 5
8:20 Age up with 6 food vills on Mehmed Imperial Armory + 1 Stable and 1 Archery range 1 0 0 5
8:20+ Age up complete. Pick up relics immediately and build mosque. Add Military schools. 1 0 0 5
8:20+ Field Work - Military Campus - Fast Training - Advanced Academy (Build lancers from Military Schools when possible) 1 0 0 5
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Patch 7.0.5861 (Season 5 Update)

Map Type




Build Type

Fast Castle

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Created At

October 19, 2023 18:11


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