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Ottoman fast imperial





Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 Que vils 0 0 0 0
00:03 Send 5 starting vills to stone for 1 trip, 1 on sheep, rally 1 vil on sheep 1 0 0 5
00:39 stone vils to wood after 1 trip (also for 1 trip 2 5 0 0
00:40 1 food vil to build military school, rally to 2 vils to gold 1 5 0 0
00:45 first gold vil builds house and mining camp 1 5 0 0
01:03 5 wood vils go to sheep, rally on sheep 6 0 0 0
01:24 scouting (try to steal sheep around enemy base), rally spears on enemy base 8 0 2 0
02:15 rally on wood at 10 vils on food, send scout back 10 0 2 0
02:55 at 200 gold. send gold vils to wood. 10 4 0 0
02:59 AGE UP Twin madrasa w. 4 food vils (scout should have returned sheep by now) 6 4 0 0
03:05 Send 2 food vils to stone (keep rallying on wood 4 5 0 2
03:35 1 food vil to build house 3 6 0 2
03:37 Rally on sheep 3 6 0 2
03:45 Build mining camp with stone vils 3 6 0 0
03:51 house vil goes back to food 5 6 0 2
04:15 Rally 1 vil to help build twin madras (automatically goes to created berry) 5 6 0 2
04:31 AGE UP complete 10 5 0 3
04:35 Build blacksmith w. 1 new vil. Rally on food 10 5 0 3
04:20 send 1 wood vil to stone 5 5 0 2
05:07 3 stone vil to gold 11 5 3 0
05:09 W. blacksmith vil build 2nd military school 12 5 3 0
05:16 Build lumber camp w. 4 wood vils. Send 1 wood vil to gold 12 4 4 0
05:20 Rally on gold 12 4 4 0
05:45 Send 4 food vils to gold. Rally to food 10 4 8 0
06:38 Spend Vizier point on imams or anatolian hills if not enough sheep 13 4 8 0
07:20 Switch to Sipahis in military school, send imams to safe relics already.(defend w. sipahis if needed) 15 4 8 0
07:46 AGE UP w. sheep vils (about 10). Mehmed imperial armory in range of blacksmith and TC. Make mangonels 5 4 8 0
07:55 Rally to wood 5 4 8 0
08:00 Send 5 gold vils to stone. 5 4 3 5
08:41 AGE UP complete. Vils back to food. Switch military school to men at arms. Collect relics 16 7 3 5
08:51 Build military schpp; with 1 stone vil 16 8 3 4
09:00 Research survival techniques 16 8 3 4
09:17 Build mill w. 4 wood vils and 6 food vils 11 4 3 4
09:20 Rally on gold until 8 11 4 3 4
09:36 Rally on food until 19 16 4 8 4
09:36 Stone vils build mosque and military schools (then to gold) 16 4 8 0
10:16 Rally on gold 19 4 8 0
12:43 AGE UP. build istanbul observatory. Make Janissary + great bombard army 19 4 17 0


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Patch 7.0.5861 (Season 5 Update)

Map Type




Build Type

Fast Castle

Created By

Aussie Drongo

Uploaded By




Created At

January 31, 2024 10:28


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