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BeastyQT English Season 2 - Updated


BeastyQT English Season 2



Build Order

Time (MM:SS) Description Food Wood Gold Stone
00:00 2 villagers wood 4 2 0 0
00:00 1 villager gold 3 2 1 0
00:00 1 villager house and then gold 2 2 2 0
00:40 1 villager mill and then back to sheep. 3 2 2 0
1:33 Research wheelbarrow 3 2 2 0
1:50 Next 4 villagers on sheep 7 2 2 0
2:06 Villager on farm 8 2 2 0
2:17 Villager on gold 8 2 3 0
3:18 Remaining villagers on sheep and build farm when wood 8 2 3 0
3:40 Age 2: Build Council Hall with two villagers 10 2 3 0
4:05 4 villagers from sheep onto wood (and one to build house) 7 6 3 0
4:33 Remaining villagers on sheep and build farm when wood 7 6 3 0
5:46 Build Farm (previous farm should have 8) 11 6 3 0
6:15 Once Coucil hall is built, put those two workers on gold, plus one more 11 6 6 0
6:40 One wood worker to build house and back again 13 5 3 0
7:15 Remaining villagers on sheep and build farm when wood 15 6 3 0
7:40 Move 4 sheep villagers onto wood 5 10 3 0
7:47 Age 3: Use 8 farm workers to build 5 10 3 0
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Patch 20249 (Early Aggression Balance Changes)

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Created At

August 07, 2022 20:20



Posted: January 16, 2023 14:46

Trying this build - 2-2-2 opening is not as strong in latest patches, but I am finding that it is still viable against any civ who doesn't rush you. Note: after 6:15 there should be 6 workers on gold for the whole build

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