FR2TC * (8/0/1/0) 5 vils on food, 1 to house then gold up to 8F * (8/0/2/0) +1G * (8/3/2/0) +3W * (8/3/2/4) +4S * (8/3/3/4) Build landmak with gold vil, take 1 from TC to house then gold * (8/7/3/0) +4W up to 7W * (8/7/5/0) +3G * (13/4/7/0) When TC is build with stone vil, take two from Wood to gold, 1 from wood to Food Link to the original Build Order: Created By: Uploaded By: Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2024-05-07 01:22:18 +0000