Beasty RUS Season 2 * (6/0/0/0) 00:00 Train scout and vil, rally on food until age up * (4/0/0/0) 00:00 Take 2 food vil -> Hunting Cabin, House, Lumber camp -> wood * (4/0/0/0) 00:45 Cabin done -> Train 3rd scout from cabin -> Grab close sheep * (8/2/0/0) 2:05 First 50 wood -> wheelbarrow * (12/2/0/0) 3:00 When 50 wood -> house * (6/2/0/0) 3:20 Landmark (golden gate) w/ 6 villagers * (4/4/0/0) 3:25 Take 2 food -> wood (4 total food). Rally on wood * (4/8/0/0) 4:37 Age up (Feudal) * (4/8/4/0) 4:38 Decision A) Stable to harass with knights (English/French). 4-5 gold, 1-2 food * (4/14/0/0) 4:38 Decision B) Gather 300 wood * (4/8/0/0) 5:40 Take 8 villagers + scout to kill boar * (12/8/0/0) 5:45 Trade gold for 300 stone. Build TC on boar * (12/10/0/0) 6:00 Build tower on woodline * (12/6/6/0) 6:20 Take 5 wood -> gold. Balance wood/gold and rally food * (18/6/10/0) 6:20 Rally other TC on closest resource (gold for fast castle) * (8/6/11/0) 8:30 Landmark (abbey or high trade if pressured) 10-12 villagers from food * (8/4/11/0) 8:40 Rally wood. 2x Stable 2x Archery (or what you need) - horse archers + knights + upgrade * (8/4/10/1) 8:45 Move/Rally second TC to stone * (18/9/10/3) 9:30 Age up. Get relics and map control/wall off, Eco upgrades Notes * Golden gate to balance your economy * Keep building lumber camps closer to woodline * Sacred Site victory -> rally on stone to defend with keeps * After TC you can go very aggro - Stables + 4xArchery + blacksmith * 3 Knights = 20f/14g vills * 3 MAA = 22f/5g * 3 HA = 18f/9w Link to the original Build Order: Created By: BeastyqtSC2 Uploaded By: Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2024-07-27 11:06:22 +0000