Puppy's Chinese * (0/6/0/0) 00:00 Build 1 Vill followed by 1 IO, then vills to food * (0/6/0/0) 00:00 Send all 6 starting straggler, wait first run -> direct to mill before back to tc * (0/6/0/0) 00:20 First vill house then mill at berries * (8/0/0/0) 00:27 6 wood -> Mill at berries * (8/0/3/0) 01:23 New vills to Gold till 3, IO brings back Gold at 40 * (9/0/3/0) 02:25 1 more vill to food, new vills to wood * (8/1/3/0) 02:50 1 vil from food builds Imperial Academy then wood * (8/3/3/0) 03:23 vills back to food till Barbican * (11/3/0/0) 04:20 Barbican with 3 Gold vills, then to stone * (4/5/0/6) 04:35 Food vills (except 4) to stone, new to wood * (4/5/0/0) 04:35 IO to Stone, on way collect Gold for second IO * (4/11/0/0) 06:23 second tc with the 9 stone vills Link to the original Build Order: https://aoeivbuilds.com/build_orders/99 Created By: Uploaded By: Generated by AOE4 Builds on 2024-04-28 23:17:52 +0000